Wednesday, 19 December 2012

1st draft for Ancillary product

This is our 1st draft for the ancillary product.

There is some things that need ironing out for example the join between between the two images, they need to blend in more to each other to like the bottom half of the product does.

The cartoon effect adds an extra element and looks visually inviting, it isn't exactly the same as what Gotye would have but in his other music videos he has a very creative vibe where characters are computer animated and not part of reality, the cartoon matches this.

Digi-Pak 1st draft

This is the rough draft of what our Digi-pak will look like as stated the bottom left and bottom middle covers will contain black and white images of a forest location as if the picture has been torn up. This idea of the picture being torn up relates to the broken relationship as seen in video product. We have incorporated the images of the 2 singers in our product been split up by the wooded area which features often in our music video.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Digi-Pak Template

This is the digipak template we are using, we have gone with a template that has 6 sections because it allows us to tell part of the story inside in the album cover, we will do this by using pictures from our video to link the two products together, the first idea we have is to have a picture of a male and female (the two from the video) so when the album is opened you see them facing each other then when you open it out further they part away from each other to show their separation.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Idea for Ancillary Product

We have decided to do an A3 sized ancillary product, this will allow us to use our intial idea of having a picture of both charcters in thew video facing each other with space between them to show the distance between the two of them and it can relate to our video.  we will then have the album information in the centre of page to split the characters up.