Wednesday, 19 December 2012

1st draft for Ancillary product

This is our 1st draft for the ancillary product.

There is some things that need ironing out for example the join between between the two images, they need to blend in more to each other to like the bottom half of the product does.

The cartoon effect adds an extra element and looks visually inviting, it isn't exactly the same as what Gotye would have but in his other music videos he has a very creative vibe where characters are computer animated and not part of reality, the cartoon matches this.

Digi-Pak 1st draft

This is the rough draft of what our Digi-pak will look like as stated the bottom left and bottom middle covers will contain black and white images of a forest location as if the picture has been torn up. This idea of the picture being torn up relates to the broken relationship as seen in video product. We have incorporated the images of the 2 singers in our product been split up by the wooded area which features often in our music video.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Digi-Pak Template

This is the digipak template we are using, we have gone with a template that has 6 sections because it allows us to tell part of the story inside in the album cover, we will do this by using pictures from our video to link the two products together, the first idea we have is to have a picture of a male and female (the two from the video) so when the album is opened you see them facing each other then when you open it out further they part away from each other to show their separation.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Idea for Ancillary Product

We have decided to do an A3 sized ancillary product, this will allow us to use our intial idea of having a picture of both charcters in thew video facing each other with space between them to show the distance between the two of them and it can relate to our video.  we will then have the album information in the centre of page to split the characters up.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


   After the audience feedback we re filmed the footage we did have because we filmed on 2 different days, this lead to a disturbed continuity between each shot. now we have re-filmed it the shots that lead on after each other now match.

   (screenshots to show difference)

   The main changes we have made are to shots 8 and 9. We originally wanted 19 seconds of footage b between the two shots, the problem was both of the shots were filmed whilst stationery creating a boring set of shots for the audience, to improve this we shortened shot 8, and split shot 9 up into two other shots, the first been a pan across the living room to show jack and Fran sitting on the sofa, then the second shot been a mid shot to extreme closeup with a zoom to allow the audience to see a message that jack has just received from another girl.

Audience feedback- 1st rough cut

    Last week we showed our music video for the first cut, with it still been early stages our music video did receive some constructive criticism and some praise as well.

    The main criticism was the lip syncing during the argument scenes (shot 18 and 19), we have Jack and Fran continually arguing but it is difficult to distinguish between the lyrics of the song and whether or not Jack is attempting to mime the words. One way we told to avoid this was to re-film these two shots and have Jack arguing but miming the words to stop any confusion. 

   The isolated location was decided to both good and bad. Good becasue it just keeps the main focus on the main characters and nothing can distract the audience, but bad because it isn't totally recognisable as to why they are in the wooded environment.

   The lack of footage was an issue as well which told us we need to complete the filming as soon as possible, this will then effect the 2nd cut positively because the story of the relationship will be able to be told and recognised more clearly.

   There were positives comments about from our 1st cut. The match-on-action near the the beginning of the video was perfectly time which is always a good comment to hear because when your filming you do have to think about body positioning and body actions to keep it filming to the previous shot.

Jack pulls Fran around.
Fran pushes Jack away
   Another comment was during chorus 1 when Jack pulls Fran around  then Fran pushes him away the audience liked how it managed to fit with the lyrics and the timing on it. 

First rough cut

We have shown own first rough cut to the group, the first cut is more to show the basic idea with the editing techniques but with the feedback we received we can now edit and add more footage to what we have to improve the video for 2nd showing to the group.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Roles and Responsibilities


Actors:     Fran Powell (Leading Woman)
                  Jack Pepper (Leading Man)
                  Tom Ryder (Instrumentalist)
Cameraman: Mark Northcott

Roles Within the group:

Mark Northcott
  -       Development of the storyboard and shot list
  -       Director
  -       Cameraman
  -       Editor for Music Video 
  -       Photographer for digipak 
  -       Editor on the Ancillary Product

   We are all involved in the development of the storyboard and shot list, this is because with it been group work we all need to know the idea for the video and reduces the confusion during filming of what we are trying to achieve. I've taken the role as director I've adopted the role of group leader so by been director it allows me to oversee everything we do whilst filming. With me been the only member of the group who isn't in the music video it will be easier for me to take control of camera and film everything. We are all editing the ancillary product because it is important that as a group we all agree on the end product so we all need to be involved.

Tom Ryder
  -     Development of the storyboard and shot list
  -     Co-Director
  -     Editor for music video
  -     Actor for music video
  -    Photographer for digipak
  -    Editor on the Ancillary product

   We are all involved in the development of the storyboard and shot list, this is because with it been group work we all need to know the idea for the video and reduces the confusion during filming of what we are trying to achieve. We are all editing the ancillary product because it is important that as a group we all agree on the end product so we all need to be involved.

Jack Pepper
  -    Development of the storyboard and shot list
  -    Lead actor for music video
  -    Editor for music video
  -    Model for digipak
  -    Editor of Ancillary product

   We are all involved in the development of the storyboard and shot list, this is because with it been group work we all need to know the idea for the video and reduces the confusion during filming of what we are trying to achieve. We are all editing the ancillary product because it is important that as a group we all agree on the end product so we all need to be involved.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Blog update: 03/09/12

   We have completed are shooting script which means that we can produce our storyboard, also we can start filming ready for the first cut to be done for the 8th October.

Shooting script

Intro- Exterior, Oak tree, Day
Shot number
Shot type/ Movement
Shot description
Timing (sec)
Establishing shot/Pan  Zoom
Shot of Tom sitting under the oak tree then zoom into an angle of 40 degrees from centre point.
Close up/ Steadi-cam
Below Tom’s shoulders. See him playing the xylophone.
Close up/ Steadi-cam
Jump cut to see Tom playing xylophone from the centre point.
Two shot/ Reverse zoom
Reverse zoom whilst Tom is playing xylophone, Jack walks into shot as music is still being played.

Verse 1- Interior and exterior, Oak tree and house, Day
Mid-shot, tracking shot/ Free hand  cam
The camera tracks jack in front of him whilst we see him miming
Pan upwards
As the lyrics say ‘together’ the camera pans up to the sky
Graphic match/ Pan downwards
We pan down from the sky but to the house location.
Long shot/ Steadi-cam
We see through the window Jack and Fran sat on the sofa hugging and cuddling and Jack acts out the rest of the verse.
Two shot/Steadi-cam
We see in the two shot Jack looking uncomfortable with the situation
Pan up/ Zoom
We pan up and Zoom into a photo which is behind the couple, which is a photo of the wooded location.
Establishing/ Reverse zoom
We zoom out of the photo frame and we are in the location that is on the picture.
Long shot/ Steadi-cam
Jack walks through the shot (left to right) and the camera doesn’t follow.

Verse 2, Exterior, wooded area, day
Close up/Tracking shot
There is a close up of Jack’s feet and we follow there steps
Close up/Tracking shot
The camera will  be in front of Jack with a mid-shot of his face and shoulders, we can see him miming the first sentence.
Long shot, High angle/Steadi-cam
The camera will be far away from Jack at a high angle, he will walk through the shot.
Close up, Match on action/ tracking shot
There is a match on action from the high angle as he walks off screen we cut to the same style as #14. We will see Jack miming.
Over the shoulder/tracking shot
We will be over the shoulder of jack whilst he is walking through the woods.

Chorus 1, Exterior, Wooded area, day
Two shot, Long take/Steadi-cam
There will be a long take where Jack is arguing to the back of Fran, when he says ‘nothing’ Jack will turn Fran around, when he says ‘love’ Fran pushes him back. Jack carries on miming to Fran for the rest of this section.
Two shot/ pivot
This section will be mimed with Jack still arguing with Fran. The camera will pan around the action in a circular motion. We will see Jack and Fran gesticulating and shouting.
Two shot/ steadi-cam
The camera will stop rotating  and then Fran will fade out when he says ‘Just’
Mid shot/ steadi-cam
It will fade from Jack and then there will be a close up of Tom playing the xylophone.
Medium shot/ steadi-cam
It fades from Tom to Jack sings this part of the song as if Fran was there but she isn’t.
Mid shot/ Steadi-cam
It fades once again from Jack, to Tom playing the xylophone.

It then fades for the last time from Tom to Jack. Jack will be singing this part of the song the same as before as if Fran is stood there.
Close up/ Pan
It will cut to Tom playing the guitar we will pan from the base up the neck and to the head of the guitar and carry on until we can see the background.

Verse 3, Exterior and interior, wooded area and house ,day
Over the shoulder two shot/Steadi-cam
It will fade from the background of the guitar to an over the shoulder perspective from Fran looking at Jack talking to another girl.
Two shot/Steadi-cam
It will fade from the previous scene to Jack shouting at Fran implying that she has done something wrong. (eye line match maybe added)
Mid shot/Steadi-cam
Jack walks off the screen as the small instrumental is played
Mid shot/Steadi-cam
Fran Sings the rest of this verse as if Jack was there but he isn’t as he has walked off screen.  We just see Fran in the right third.
Two shot/Steadi-cam
Fran sings ‘know’ as if she is singing to Jack but they are both faded out they are at the special meeting spot as seen in chorus 1.

Chorus 2, Exterior, wooded area, day
Two shot/Steadi-cam/Long take
This will be a long take of this entire chorus of Fran singing the vocal accompaniment, with Jack singing the main lyrics they are both singing to one another but can’t see each other.
Over the shoulder, close up/Steadi-cam
We will see Jack lighting and burning a photo of Fran (slowed down) it will then fade out and on a black screen and all’s we will see is the burning flame, to show there is still hope for their relationship.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Blog update: 31/08/12

   Today we are going to complete our shooting script in thorough detail, also we might be able to do some filming but this is weather and time permitted.

Blog update: 30/08/12

   Today we have completed our final idea with the audience feedback we received, we also used certain ideas our audience put forward, then tomorrow we plan on completing our shooting script.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Final idea

Instrumental Intro: starts of with a shot of a tall oak tree or tree of the sort. we will then pan down to Tom who will be sitting under this tree playing the xylophone in time with how its played in the score of the music.

Verse 1: Jack walks past the tree as the music kicks in we then have a close up of him miming then when together is said in this first verse on the first line, the camera will pan up into the sky, into a graphic match in which we will see the sky again but in a different location it will then pan down into the flashback. The rest of this verse will be acted out. At the end of the flashback there will be another graphic match of a picture frame of the location that they were walking through at the start, which will then cut to that exact location.

Verse 2: There will then be multiple different shots which will track his movement and we will see him miming the lyrics as he is making his way to there old meeting spot of importance. He will be followed by multiple shot types, such as tracking shots, mid shot, close up, extreme close ups, high angles and low angles.

Chorus 1: When they are at the meeting spot there will be a two shot of them singing to each other but Jack will not be able to see Fran and visa-versa, on the screen it will look like Jack is singing to a ghost of Fran. When the chorus fades out there will be a trombone shot of the two people.

Verse 3: There will be another, which we will cut to a flashback of when Fran is reminded of when they were together, for example when Fran sings the part 'screwed you over' Jack will be talking to another girl.

Chorus 2: This will be the same as Chorus 1. They are at the meeting spot again and there will be another two shot of them singing to each other but Jack will not be able to see Fran and visa-versa, on the screen it will look like Jack is singing to a ghost of Fran. When the chorus fades out there will be a trombone shot of the two people. Fran will be singing the melody in which Kimbra sings.

Outro: At the end as the song as it is fading out we will see and image of Fran (the female artist) burning slowly which Jack is holiday this burning photo may be reversed.

In each of the instrumental melodies there will be many different angles close up, mid shots and extreme close ups of Tom playing the acoustic guitar and xylophone.

Blog update- 30/08/12

   Today we hope to get a final idea for our product after receiving audience feedback on our forum, also we hope to get the majority of the shooting script complete so we can start  filming as soon as possible.

Sunday, 26 August 2012


Mise- en- scene
Below is the description of each Mise-en-Scene category and explanation why we are using what we are using.


Jack Pepper/ Lead male actor
·         Long sleeve chequered shirt (red)- the colour red connotes the fact that he is angry after splitting up with his girlfriend.
·         Grey jeans- the grey creates the idea of confusion and the red with the grey create the state in which he will be portrayed in.

·         Navy pumps- to follow the trendy outfit and shows he is a normal person following fashion trends.

Fran Powell/ Lead female actress
·          White dress- the white represents vulnerability and purity after the break up that is a female stereotype.

·         Pink/red belt- the red contrasts with the white that represents an evil side to her character.   
·     White pumps- the two pure items of clothing trap her anger inside of her.

Tom Ryder/ Male actor/ Instrumentalist
·         Black trousers

·         Black leather shoes

·         Purple shirt

·         Black V-neck jumper

Tom’s clothing is there to contrast the immaturity between the two characters and how they are mostly bothered about the break up. The smart casual look will show the maturity and professionalism of an older looking generation. Tom is also not part of the actual love story but is there as a father figure.


·    Xylophone- it is an instrument used within the song

·    Acoustic guitar- it is an instrument used within the song

·    Vase with flowers (red with one whiter flower)- the vase will break and scatter the red flowers (red connotes anger) the scattering shows how both of there anger can not be controlled over the break up. The one white flower will represent hope between the couples relationship.

·    Tupperware- Set in the style of a meal as if they were about eat together but there has been a let down, so the plates will be smashed. The smashing action will represent their shattered hearts.

·    Photo- The photo will be set a light as the male character doesn’t want to be upset by seeing this picture.


·         Exterior locations- Using natural sunlight shining through the trees- to give a more uplifting setting to the upsetting mood created by the break up in the song

·         Living room in couples house- a warm red  lighting, to show that when they were together it was happy between them and everything seemed perfect.


·  Ballington Woods- a highly forested area with open space, which will give both the male and female characters space to think after the break up.

·  House- The living room with big sofas

·  Cheddleton railway- the railway line could represent the tracks of life.
·  Ladderedge country park- another wooded area in which they can stray of the beaten path.