Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Uses and Gratiifcations model

Blumler and Katz

Blumler and Katz suggest that audiences have expectations which they expect to be satisfied by media texts.

The audience needs are:

·         Surveillancetelling us about the world around us
·         Personal identityinfluences how we see ourselves and our place in society
·         Personal relationshipsdevelop relationships with media characters; aids social interaction
·         Diversionprovides escapism from daily life
What audience needs does your planned music video satisfy?

There is alot of contrasts in our planned music video one example been the location been a woodland area would suggewst natural surroundings and calmness but the argument the couple have opposes the first thought, showing that the event the most deserted areas have 'normal' social problems. the characters are very casual old teenagers which isrelatable for the audince, the video does represent common situations but can show that these problems are faced by not the majority but certainly not the minority. We follow the male lead character through the majority of the video even though he is the charatcer in the wrong, but we create a bond betwen the audince and the male from the off and it is only near the end of the video we our opinions change when we see he cheated on the female. With the video lacking any uplifting scenes the video doesn't provide escapism for the audience but allows them to reflect more on the video and whether or not they sympathise with the characters.


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