Friday, 10 August 2012

Encoding/ Decoding- music video

Stuart Hall

Hall says that there is preferred reading of the text which is encoded using technologies and conventions of the medium, but the audience will respond in different ways to the text.

·         Dominantthe reader shares the text’s code and accepts its preferred reading

·         Negotiated understands the text’s code, generally accepts the preferred reading but modifies it according to their social position and experiences

·         Oppositionalunderstands the code but rejects the preferred reading.  The audience member will be reading the text from an oppositional position (e.g. a feminist reading)
What is the preferred reading of your product and how will you encode the message into the product?
       The preferred reading of our product is relatively straight forward, it will show the constrast of the couples relationship through the narrative of the video and the flashbacks will provide insight into the leads up of the break up and what the couple were like before the situation. The cinematography of the video will show our encoded message, we basically want the audince to see that the male character isn't happy with the relationship he is in then in a flashback we see him get caught cheating on the femlae lead whoi plays his girlfriend.
In what ways do think the audience will respoind to your video?
I expect the audince to respond to our video in the way we encoded it, this is because in 3 and half minutes we couldn't create a story with hidden twists, we need it to straight forward. Therefore the audience should see the strained relationship and what the male lead has done causing the couple to break up and argue in the video. However because we can't see the whole back story of the relationship the audience could well side with male character and create their own conclusions.

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